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To ensure good maintainability of your code, here is a list of good practices you should follow when using Riverpod.

This list is not exhaustive, and is subject to change.
If you have any suggestions, feel free to open an issue.

Items in this list are not in any particular order.

A good portion of these recommendations can be enforced with riverpod_lint. See Getting started for installation instructions.

AVOID initializing providers in a widget

Providers should initialize themselves.
They should not be initialized by an external element such as a widget.

Failing to do so could cause possible race conditions and unexpected behaviors.


class WidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {

void initState() {
// Bad: the provider should initialize itself;


There is no "one-size fits all" solution to this problem.
If your initialization logic depends on factors external to the provider, often the correct place to put such logic is in the onPressed method of a button triggering navigation:

onPressed: () {;
child: Text('Navigate'),

AVOID using providers for Ephemeral state.

Providers are designed to be for shared business state. They are not meant to be used for Ephemeral state, such as for:

  • storing form state
  • currently selected item
  • animations
  • generally everything that Flutter deals with a "controller" (e.g. TextEditingController)

If you are looking for a way to handle local widget state, consider using flutter_hooks instead.

One reason why this is discouraged is that such state is often scoped to a route.
Failing to do so could break your app's back button, due to a new page overriding the state of a previous page.

DON'T perform side effects during the initialization of a provider

Providers should generally be used to represent a "read" operation. You should not use them for "write" operations, such as submitting a form.

Using providers for such operations could have unexpected behaviors, such as skipping a side-effect if a previous one was performed.

If you are looking at a way to handle loading/error states of a side-effect, see Performing side effects.


final submitProvider = FutureProvider((ref) async {
final formState =;

// Bad: Providers should not be used for "write" operations.
return'', body: formState.toJson());

PREFER (and similar APIs) with statically known providers

Riverpod strongly recommends enabling lint rules (via riverpod_lint).
But for lints to be effective, your code should be written in a way that is statically analysable.

Failing to do so could make it harder to spot bugs or cause false positives with lints.


final provider = Provider((ref) => 42);


// OK because the provider is known statically;


class Example extends ConsumerWidget {
Example({required this.provider});
final Provider<int> provider;

Widget build(context, ref) {
// Bad because static analysis cannot know what `provider` is;

AVOID dynamically creating providers

Providers should exclusively be top-level final variables.


final provider = Provider<String>((ref) => 'Hello world');


class Example {
// Unsupported operation. Could cause memory leaks and unexpected behaviors.
final provider = Provider<String>((ref) => 'Hello world');

Creating providers as static final variables is allowed, but not supported by the code-generator.