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is a provider that is used to listen to and expose a
StateNotifier (from the package state_notifier, which Riverpod re-exports).
It is typically used for:
- exposing an immutable state which can change over time after reacting to custom events.
- centralizing the logic for modifying some state (aka "business logic") in a single place, improving maintainability over time.
Prefer using NotifierProvider instead.
As a usage example, we could use StateNotifierProvider
to implement a todo-list.
Doing so would allow us to expose methods such as addTodo
to let the UI
modify the list of todos on user interactions:
// The state of our StateNotifier should be immutable.
// We could also use packages like Freezed to help with the implementation.
class Todo {
const Todo(
{required, required this.description, required this.completed});
// All properties should be `final` on our class.
final String id;
final String description;
final bool completed;
// Since Todo is immutable, we implement a method that allows cloning the
// Todo with slightly different content.
Todo copyWith({String? id, String? description, bool? completed}) {
return Todo(
id: id ??,
description: description ?? this.description,
completed: completed ?? this.completed,
// The StateNotifier class that will be passed to our StateNotifierProvider.
// This class should not expose state outside of its "state" property, which means
// no public getters/properties!
// The public methods on this class will be what allow the UI to modify the state.
class TodosNotifier extends StateNotifier<List<Todo>> {
// We initialize the list of todos to an empty list
TodosNotifier() : super([]);
// Let's allow the UI to add todos.
void addTodo(Todo todo) {
// Since our state is immutable, we are not allowed to do `state.add(todo)`.
// Instead, we should create a new list of todos which contains the previous
// items and the new one.
// Using Dart's spread operator here is helpful!
state = [...state, todo];
// No need to call "notifyListeners" or anything similar. Calling "state ="
// will automatically rebuild the UI when necessary.
// Let's allow removing todos
void removeTodo(String todoId) {
// Again, our state is immutable. So we're making a new list instead of
// changing the existing list.
state = [
for (final todo in state)
if ( != todoId) todo,
// Let's mark a todo as completed
void toggle(String todoId) {
state = [
for (final todo in state)
// we're marking only the matching todo as completed
if ( == todoId)
// Once more, since our state is immutable, we need to make a copy
// of the todo. We're using our `copyWith` method implemented before
// to help with that.
todo.copyWith(completed: !todo.completed)
// other todos are not modified
// Finally, we are using StateNotifierProvider to allow the UI to interact with
// our TodosNotifier class.
final todosProvider = StateNotifierProvider<TodosNotifier, List<Todo>>((ref) {
return TodosNotifier();
Now that we have defined a StateNotifierProvider
, we can use it to interact
with the list of todos in our UI:
class TodoListView extends ConsumerWidget {
const TodoListView({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
// rebuild the widget when the todo list changes
List<Todo> todos =;
// Let's render the todos in a scrollable list view
return ListView(
children: [
for (final todo in todos)
value: todo.completed,
// When tapping on the todo, change its completed status
onChanged: (value) =>,
title: Text(todo.description),