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From `ChangeNotifier`

Within Riverpod, ChangeNotifierProvider is meant to be used to offer a smooth transition from pkg:provider.

If you've just started a migration to pkg:riverpod, make sure you read the dedicated guide (see Quickstart). This article is meant for folks that already transitioned to riverpod, but want to move away from ChangeNotifier definetively.

All in all, migrating from ChangeNotifier to AsyncNotifer requires a paradigm shift, but it brings great simplification with the resulting migrated code. See also Why Immutability.

Take this (faulty) example:

class MyChangeNotifier extends ChangeNotifier {
MyChangeNotifier() {
List<Todo> todos = [];
bool isLoading = true;
bool hasError = false;

Future<void> _init() async {
try {
final json = await http.get('api/todos');
todos = [];
} on Exception {
hasError = true;
} finally {
isLoading = false;

Future<void> addTodo(int id) async {
isLoading = true;

try {
final json = await'api/todos');
todos = [];
hasError = false;
} on Exception {
hasError = true;
} finally {
isLoading = false;

final myChangeProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider<MyChangeNotifier>((ref) {
return MyChangeNotifier();

This implementation shows several weak design choices such as:

  • The usage of isLoading and hasError to handle different asynchronous cases
  • The need to carefully handle requests with tedious try/catch/finally expressions
  • The need to inkove notifyListeners at the right times to make this implementation work
  • The presence of inconsistent or possibly undesirable states, e.g. initialization with an empty list

Note how this example has been crafted to show how ChangeNotifier can lead to faulty design choices for newbie developers; also, another takeaway is that mutable state might be way harder than it initially promises.

Notifier/AsyncNotifer, in combination with immutable state, can lead to better design choices and less errors.

Let's see how to migrate the above snippet, one step at a time, towards the newest APIs.

Start your migration

First, we should declare the new provider / notifier: this requires some thought process which depends on your unique business logic.

Let's summarize the above requirements:

  • State is represented with List<Todo>, which obtained via a network call, with no parameters
  • State should also expose info about its loading, error and data state
  • State can be mutated via some exposed methods, thus a function isn't enough

The above thought process boils down to answering the following questions:

  1. Are some side effects required?
    • y: Use riverpod's class-based API
    • n: Use riverpod's function-based API
  2. Does state need to be loaded asynchronously?
    • y: Let build return a Future<T>
    • n: Let build simply return T
  3. Are some parameters required?
    • y: Let build (or your function) accept them
    • n: Let build (or your function) accept no extra parameters

If you're using codegen, the above thought process is enough.
There's no need to think about the right class names and their specific APIs.
@riverpod only asks you to write a class with its return type, and you're good to go.

Technically, the best fit here is to define a AutoDisposeAsyncNotifier<List<Todo>>, which meets all the above requirements. Let's write some pseudocode first.

class MyNotifier extends _$MyNotifier {

FutureOr<List<Todo>> build() {
// TODO ...
return [];

Future<void> addTodo(Todo todo) async {

Remember: use snippets in your IDE to get some guidance, or just to speed up your code writing. See Getting started.

With respect with ChangeNotifier's implementation, we don't need to declare todos anymore; such variable is state, which is implicitly loaded with build.

Indeed, riverpod's notifiers can expose one entity at a time.


Riverpod's API is meant to be granular; nonetheless, when migrating, you can still define a custom entity to hold multiple values. Consider using Dart 3's records to smooth out the migration at first.


Initalizing a notifier is easy: just write initialization logic inside build.
We can now get rid of the old _init function.

class MyNotifier extends _$MyNotifier {

FutureOr<List<Todo>> build() async {
final json = await http.get('api/todos');
return [];

With respect of the old _init, the new build isn't missing anything: there is no need to initialize variables such as isLoading or hasError anymore.

Riverpod will automatically translate any asynchronous provider, via exposing an AsyncValue<List<Todo>> and handles the intricacies of asynchronous state way better than what two simple boolean flags can do.

Indeed, any AsyncNotifier effectively makes writing additional try/catch/finally an anti-pattern for handling asynchronous state.

Mutations and Side Effects

Just like initialization, when performing side effects there's no need to manipulate boolean flags such as hasError, or to write additional try/catch/finally blocks.

Below, we've cut down all the boilerplate and successfully fully migrated the above example:

class MyNotifier extends _$MyNotifier {

FutureOr<List<Todo>> build() async {
final json = await http.get('api/todos');

return [];

Future<void> addTodo(Todo todo) async {
// optional: state = const AsyncLoading();
final json = await'api/todos');
final newTodos = [];
state = AsyncData(newTodos);

Syntax and design choices may vary, but in the end we just need to write our request and update state afterwards. See Performing side effects.

Migration Process Summary

Let's review the whole migration process applied above, from a operational point of view.

  1. We've moved the initialization, away from a custom method invoked in a constructor, to build
  2. We've removed todos, isLoading and hasError properties: internal state will suffice
  3. We've removed any try-catch-finally blocks: returning the future is enough
  4. We've applied the same simplification on the side effects (addTodo)
  5. We've applied the mutations, via simply reassign state